Best free email clients for Windows. Even though instant messengers and video calling apps are around, email is still more popular for formal communication. It’s more efficient, less costly, and many more people can readily receive your message at once. You might not prefer the web-based version of email providers since it’s not as convenient as having an installed app, but it still comes with all the features you need. Here are the top free email clients to use if you want to make your email organization better.
When faced with deciding which email client to use – web-based or dedicated – there are pros and cons of each. Web-based email clients offer easy access but never come with the newest features. Dedicated email clients, on the other hand, offer the latest features without any headaches. One of the biggest benefits of having to manage your different accounts on each email service on a single interface is that you don’t need to log in to each one separately. Outlook Mail cannot be read in the Gmail app.
What Is An Email Client and How it Works?
An email client is a program used to send and receive email messages. It can be a web-based application, a desktop application, or a mobile app. As it appears in this section, an email client is a program that sends or receives emails. Email clients are either web-based applications, desktop applications, or mobile apps.
As the list shows, many email clients and mail apps exist and not all of them are free. The best way to find out which one is right for you is to try different email apps for yourself and see if they meet your needs. We have solved your problem with these free email clients for Windows.
Best Free Email Clients For Windows
1. Thubderbird

Thunderbird is an open-source, cross-platform email client that was originally developed by the Mozilla Foundation. Thunderbird continues to be one of the highest-rated email programs for Windows, with many users citing its rich features and customization options as pluses. The free email software might be the most non-descript of Windows software, but it still has some power.
Thunderbird is an email app for windows and Linux and contains an RSS reader, chat support, web search bar, quick filter toolbar, and activity manager among other features. Some of the many perks of using Gmail are that it can filter out spam, protect you from phishing attempts, offers DNT support, etc. Like Firefox, you can extend Chrome by downloading and installing add-ons.
Thunderbird is one of the most popular email clients when it comes to free options. Unlike many other apps, Thunderbird doesn’t require you to pay before you can use the app. You can use pretty much any feature offered by the email app.
Thubderbird Pros
- Open-source
- Feature-rich (auto replies, activity manager, RSS readers, etc.)
- Supports many add-ons or plugins
Thubderbird Cons
- No longer gets new features
2. Mailbird

Some of the best email clients for Windows come from third-party developers. Mailbird is one of them. This app has loads to offer; one of its functions is a unified inbox, which allows you to look at two separate emails or messages in one place simultaneously – this can be invaluable when researching and sending out an email to answer questions or concerns scheduled in your calendar! There’s also a dark theme setting available! You can choose between the default and a Mozilla Thunderbird style layout as well.
Mailbird offers a powerful speed reading experience that helps users quickly skim through thousands of emails. In addition, the application also allows users to generate various identities, so they can sign on as someone else and send emails from that particular account.
While this free Windows email app might not be able to rival Microsoft Outlook in terms of functionality, it is still very useful. The interface is clean and modern enough to pass off as a premium paid app. Besides that, you can add more services and applications if you’re willing t upgrade to Mailbird Pro.
Mailbird Pros
- Supports integration with Slack, WhatsApp, Google Docs, etc.
- Supports IMAC and POP email service
- Handful of customization options
Mailbird Cons
- Only one account sync possible in free version
3. eM Client

The name might not be fancy, but the eM Client has a host of features that would make users smile, especially those who prefer to keep things basic. On the surface, it’s clear that eM Client favors minimalism over complexity with its clean interface.
You can manage just about everything you need to manage directly from your account, provided that it is supported. There are a number of extra services such as reminding yourself of meetings or birthdays, tracking support-related issues such as bugs and defects, translation services, and spell-checking options plus many more perks that come with using MailChimp’s service.
While the eM Client-free version lets you add up to two email accounts, you have the possibility of adding more accounts by going for their professional version.
eM Client Pros
- Neat user interface
- Lots of features such as spell check, language transaltor, and chat support
eM Client Cons
- Only syncs up to two email accounts at once in the free version
4. Mailspring

Mailspring is a powerful email client that works well with Windows. It was designed by former Nylas Mail developers in part to ensure privacy through being lightweight and using encryption.
Mailspring syncs with various email accounts such as Gmail, iCloud, and Outlook. There’s always a “toolbar” that you see when you open any program or app on your own computer’s desktop. The toolbar lets you search through your email just at the click of a button. It also provides access to other applications such as Gchat, so we know if someone is available or not even if we’re offline.
This Windows email program comes with many useful features, such as link tracking and detailed contact profiles that I found very useful in my time using it. As always, there are a few limitations including some features being only available in the paid version.
Mailspring Pros
- Useful features such as read receipt, templates, link tracking, etc.
- Supports many email providers including Gmail, Outlook, iCloud, Yahoo, and more
- Supports up to four email accounts at one time in the free version
Mailspring Cons
- Some features locked behind paywall
- Ordinary user interface
5. Mail & Calendar

The Mail app is one of the best email clients for your Windows PC, Mac, or device. It comes pre-installed with Windows 10. This free email client pairs nicely with Microsoft Office Outlook and has a stripped-down feature set, but otherwise fills in nicely when you don’t want to use Outlook Express.
Mail & Calendar is an email client you can use for Windows that supports various email services, including Microsoft, Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud, and Rediff as well as other popular mail accounts that use IMAP and POP protocols. You can view your emails in separate inboxes or merge them into one Linked inbox.
The email app also provides personalized responses for you without fail so that you can attend to more pressing matters. It does this by filtering out the emails from people and groups whose e-mails are not important as in someone contacting you about food delivery.
The app automatically sorts your mail using your contacts’ importance and timeliness, separating out any unessential or bulk messages received while sending them to a separate folder. You appreciate the handful of options available which allow customization by changing backgrounds, font color, or opting between day or night modes among others.
- Compatible with multiple email service providers including Microsoft, Gmail, Yahoo, and iCloud.
- Supports built-in Calendar app
- Not many features
What To Look For In Email Clients?
Choosing the best email client isn’t as tough of a job as it might seem when overwhelmed with options. One of the main reasons people resort to using an email client application is the fact that most of them allow users to sync multiple different email addresses at the same time. So, naturally, it would benefit you from choosing an email client that is enough for all your email addresses.
Other factors of deciding on a pick are subjective and depend on your unique needs. For those who must avoid a typo at all costs, a client that provides a spell check feature is of great importance. On the other hand, someone else might find features such as auto-replies or language translation more crucial to their usage.
So basically after you’ve decided which email clients are important, you can start thinking about how useful specific features would be. For example, if you want something that lets you directly forward messages to another account, a good email client will have that option.
Mailspring is our obvious choice for an email client. With support for up to 4 separate accounts at once and the fact that it’s free all make a big difference when we are choosing what mail app to go with. On top of all that, the impressive range of features and add-ons it has makes it a great option as well.
Being an email service provider offering free email accounts, you might have no idea how risky it is to host a user who abuses others’ privacy in your email system and may bring your company into serious legal issues shortly! I encourage you all to go through the list of the best free email services we made earlier.
In this article, we’ve listed some of the best email client software that you can use for Windows 10. Feel free to check out our suggestions and if you have any questions, leave them in the comments below!