Top 20 Best Mobile App Development Technologies in 2022

In order to be successful in this fiercely competitive mobile app industry, you need to make sure that your mobile app development process includes the best technologies. And since the world of technology moves at such a rapid pace, the best technologies today may not be the same as the best in two years’ time. This article presents our picks for the top 20 technologies that you should use in order to develop cutting-edge mobile apps in 2022 and beyond. These are all based on the opinions of industry leaders and software development experts.

20 Best Mobile App Development Technologies in 2022

20 Best Mobile App Development Technologies in 2022
  1. Django
  2. Ruby on Rails
  3. Java Script
  4. Nodejs
  5. Jquery
  6. Android
  7. ReactJS
  8. Angularjs
  9. iOS
  10. React Native
  11. Python
  12. ROR
  13. Flutter
  14. Xamarin
  15. Postgre SQL
  16. Mongo DB
  17. Adobe Photoshop
  18. Adobe Illustrator
  19. Sketch
  20. Adobe XD

1. Django

The core Python framework Django powers websites of various sizes, ranging from blogs to news sites to e-commerce platforms. In fact, many enterprise companies rely on Django. From a technical standpoint, Django is a high-level Python Web framework that follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern and it can also integrate with existing projects or applications based on other frameworks such as Ruby on Rails. In addition, being open-source allows developers to get involved in contributing new features and fixing bugs.


  • Developed in Python,
  • a fast, stable,
  • easy-to-use programming language.
  • designed for rapid development through shortcuts and consistency
  • simple model–view–controller pattern
  • multiple users and back-end databases
  • It’s free to use!
  • IRC channels,
  • forums,
  • mailing lists


  • This makes it a great choice for apps but not so much for prototyping an idea. If you are building an MVP then Django might be overkill.

2. Ruby on Rails

A popular choice for back-end Web application development and API creation, Ruby on Rails is a favorite tool of many developers for mobile app development because it’s easy to use, powerful and requires less code than alternatives. Java will be dominant for Android apps and native mobile applications, but Web app programming will rise as Ruby on Rails becomes increasingly accessible. JavaScript: JavaScript has become a front-end standard language for developing Web apps as well as Android and iOS apps.


  • The RoR framework is free to use
  • easy to understand
  • provides a readymade web application for deployment
  • you can start your idea in one day


  • There’s a relatively steep learning curve to get going.
  • RoR is perfect for small teams
  • if you don’t know exactly where you want to end up, it may not be your best bet.
  • There are numerous other languages/frameworks out there if you’re looking for alternatives.

3. Java Script

JavaScript is a popular object-oriented programming language used to create web-based applications. The developer’s site lists a host of JavaScript frameworks, including AngularJS and React. Among other features, these frameworks provide user interface components that are supported by increasingly robust libraries. Popularity comes at a price, however: Frameworks make up some of today’s largest and most complex web applications—and there can be a significant overhead associated with their implementation.


  • JavaScript is a great programming language
  • It allows us to create dynamic web pages
  • It also has support for Ajax technology
  • allows real-time updates between server and client


  • Client-side Security. Since the JavaScript code is viewable to the user, others may use it for malicious purposes
  • Browser Support. The browser interprets JavaScript differently in different browsers
  • Lack of Debugging Facility
  • Single Inheritance
  • Sluggish Bitwise Function
  • Rendering Stopped.

4. Nodejs

a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. With Node.js you can build websites faster and more efficiently than with traditional server-side programming languages like PHP and Ruby.


  • Efficient performance.
  • Easier development process.
  • Reusable code.
  • Ability to handle multiple requests.
  • Ability to scale smoothly.
  • Prompt code execution.
  • Asynchronous and event-driven.
  • Supported by leading companies.


  • Reduces performance when handling Heavy Computing Tasks.
  • Node.js invites a lot of code changes due to Unstable API.
  • Node.js Asynchronous Programming Model makes it difficult to maintain code.

5. Jquery

The future of mobile application development company. All websites are built upon jquery and most developers learned it from scratch. Jquery can be very complex when used to its full potential, so you will need to master a few steps before it makes sense. It is imperative for new developers to build their foundation upon jquery as it is critical for web development as a whole.


  • Promotes simplicity. Most website developers find jQuery to be easy to learn and intuitive as the library is built using simpler and shorter codes. …
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • Animations and cool effects
  • Highly extensible
  • Pages load faster
  • SEO-friendly. …


  • The most critical disadvantage of jQuery is that it is a huge library to import. …
  • Another drawback is that jQuery’s abstraction hides the complex parts of JavaScript, making learning JavaScript much more difficult. …
  • jQuery DOM APIs are now obsolete.

6. Android

Google’s mobile operating system, Android is one of the two most popular smartphone platforms and powers everything from smartphones to tablets to televisions. Because it’s an open-source OS, it’s also wildly customizable—and, for many developers, that means opportunity. In fact, recent reports suggest almost 85 percent of all mobile apps will run on Android by 2022.


  • Android is an open-source platform allowing UI customization. …
  • Supports cloud storage enabling sync of devices with G-account. …
  • Continual improvement & removal of old features. …
  • Supports 3rd party widget & information display on screen. …
  • Supports running multiple apps simultaneously


  • Mixed Quality
  • More Bugs
  • Less Security
  • 7. Too Much Ads

7. ReactJS

Facebook (Meta) developed React Native, which combines JavaScript for front-end user interfaces and Objective-C or Swift for back-end code. React Native was announced at Facebook’s F8 conference, held in April 2015. It allows developers to create native mobile apps using a single language across multiple platforms, thereby reducing app development time and cost. Many companies have created products based on React Native including Duolingo (which is free), Grammarly, Microsoft Office and Instagram among others.


  • Easy to Learn and USe.
  • Creating Dynamic Web Applications Becomes Easier.
  • Reusable Components.
  • Performance Enhancement.
  • The Support of Handy Tools.
  • Known to be SEO Friendly.
  • The Benefit of Having a JavaScript Library.
  • Scope for Testing the Codes.


  • The high pace of development. The high pace of development has an advantage and disadvantage both. …
  • Poor Documentation. It is another cons which are common for constantly updating technologies. …
  • View Part. ReactJS Covers only the UI Layers of the app and nothing else. …
  • JSX as a barrier.

8. Angularjs

Google’s Angular is a JavaScript-based MVC framework that offers declarative templates, dependency injection, end-to-end tooling support, and well-defined patterns for building mobile apps, desktop apps, single-page applications and more. Angular is used by tens of thousands of developers at companies like Netflix, Vevo, Google itself along many other high-profile organizations.


  • Effective Cross-Platform Development.
  • High Quality of the Application.
  • Improved Speed and Performance.
  • Faster Development Process.
  • Readable and Testable Code.
  • More Lightweight Web Applications.
  • Efficient Problem-Solving Patterns.
  • Excellent Material Design Library.


  • A hierarchical tree-like architecture and Deep scopes
  • Concept of Dependency Injection and Inversion Of Control
  • Performance Tradeoff
  • Coupled to JavaScript+Typescript
  • Angular two-way binding can both be its biggest use but also its Achilles’ heel
  • Heavily weighted framework.

9. iOS

By 2022 IOS will become more powerful than Android. It will support both Swift and Objective-C, its own languages. iOS developers can be hired at a higher rate as demand for app development for IOS will increase as well.


  • Easy to use with simple interface even after version upgrade
  • Good use of Google maps lacking in other OS
  • Document-friendly as Office365 apps allows editing/viewing of docs
  • Multitasking like listening to music & typing docs possible
  • Efficient Battery use with less heat generation.


  • Same icons with the same look on the home screen even after upgrades. …
  • Too simple & doesn’t support computer work as in other OS. …
  • No widget support for iOS apps that are also costly. …
  • Limited device use as the platform runs only on Apple devices. …
  • Doesn’t provide NFC and the radio is not in-built.

10. React Native

The newest technology by Facebook is not just a framework to develop applications for cross-platform but also allows code sharing between Android and iOS. React Native uses native components from each platform, as well as JavaScript. Therefore it allows developers to build mobile applications faster with less code. It has been developed based on React, making it easier for developers who have already worked with React to learn and start using React Native more quickly.


  • Time Efficiency. Design and layout feels a lot more productive if you are quickly able to visualize what you create
  • Performance
  • Growing Community
  • Ready-made Components Increase Development Speed
  • Save Money
  • Short Team Size
  • Reliable and Stable Apps
  • Ability to Target Multiple OS with Less Native Code.


  • Mobile app development done using React Native is very hard to debug
  • The process of debugging becomes very tedious as these apps are built using Java, C/C++, JavaScript

11. Python

The analytics giant, Google, uses Python extensively; if you want to work there, you’ll need to know it. So will many other cutting-edge tech companies.


  • Easy to Read, Learn and Write. Python is a high-level programming language that has English-like syntax
  • Improved Productivity.
  • Interpreted Language
  • Dynamically Typed
  • Free and Open-Source
  • Vast Libraries Support
  • Portability
  • Slow Speed


  • Python is Slow at Runtime
  • Python is Not Great for Mobile Application Development
  • Python Programmers face Difficulty in Using Other Languages
  • Python has High Memory Consumption
  • Python is not used commonly in the Enterprise Development Sector

12. ROR

Rapidly gaining popularity among leading software development companies, ROR is an open-source web application framework that enables the rapid development of full-stack web applications. With a host of useful features like object-relational mapping, Active Record implementation and a powerful MVC architecture. Frameworks like Ruby on Rails are immensely popular among software developers as it makes creating a back end of an app much faster than using conventional ways.


  • Time efficiency.
  • A great number of helpful tools and libraries.
  • Huge and active community.
  • Strong adherence to standards.


  • Shortage of flexibility
  • Continuous evolvement
  • Performance time
  • Price of a mistake

13. Flutter

Although Flutter has been around for a couple of years, Google has just recently announced that it’s officially replacing Android as its primary mobile application development platform. The hot new trend, you see, is cross-platform code. This way, developers can write one code base for multiple devices and have apps render beautifully on any device. And at Google I/O 2018, Google announced that native iOS apps will soon be able to use Flutter too.


  • Same UI and Business Logic in All Platforms
  • Reduced Code Development Time
  • Increased Time-to-Market Speed
  • Similar to Native App Performance
  • Custom, Animated UI of Any Complexity Available
  • Own Rendering Engine
  • Simple Platform-Specific Logic Implementation
  • The Potential Ability to Go Beyond Mobile


  • Flutter Developers Flaw
  • A limited set of tools and libraries
  • Massive file size
  • Weak iOS features support
  • Lack of password manager support

14. Xamarin

Based on C#, Xamarin is a major player in mobile development. With over 9 million users across 168 countries, it has been used to develop popular apps like JetBlue, T-Mobile and Twitter. There’s plenty of reason to use Xamarin, not least of which is it lets you develop native applications that work with any device and any data source.


  • Full hardware support
  • Compatibility with MVC and MVVM architectures
  • Complete development ecosystem


  • Familiarity with platform-specific code might be needed
  • Minimal community support
  • Not a great choice for apps with complex UI

15. Postgre SQL

Postgre SQL is one of the top mobile development technologies that have gained popularity over a period of time due to its vast capabilities and advanced features. Used for managing large amounts of data, it works by providing reliable data management services for scalability.


  • Open Source. Source code is freely available under an open source license
  • Reduce costs. As a true open source product, PostgreSQL does not cost anything – no licence fees
  • Community-driven – Reliability
  • Security
  • Scalability


  • Postgres is not owned by one organization
  • Changes made for speed improvement require more work than MySQL as PostgreSQL focuses on compatibility
  • Many open source apps support MySQL, but may not support PostgreSQL
  • On performance metrics, it is slower than MySQL

16. Mongo DB

Because of its real-time, schema-free document structure, MongoDB was an early hit with app developers looking to build apps that can easily adapt to changing user requirements. As more companies build mobile applications using popular client-side frameworks like JavaScript, they’re beginning to look at MongoDB as a choice for back-end storage. In fact, some estimate that it will be one of the most popular databases by 2016.


  • Flexible document schemas.
  • Code-native data access.
  • Change-friendly design.
  • Powerful querying and analytics.
  • Easy horizontal scale-out.


  • MongoDB uses high memory for data storage.
  • There is a limit for document
  • There is no transaction support in MongoDB.

17. Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop has become a leading digital graphics editing tool. In many ways, Photoshop is a standard when it comes to software that allows you to work with your images. The new Adobe Photoshop CC 2022 continues down that path of excellence. The interface looks familiar but brings improvements to its video tools, performance enhancements and an improved user experience thanks to its Focus mode which makes your workspace more streamlined.


  • Simple compliance management and control.
  • The option to assign licenses to another user.
  • Constant availability of the latest software.
  • Predictable budgeting (OPEX).
  • The licenses are immediately available and ready to use out-of-the-box


  • Complicated Learning Curve. Together with all its functions, Photoshop is quite a difficult program to master
  • Not Suitable for Batch Work with Photos
  • It Isn’t Cheap
  • Incomplete Updates or Untested Beta Versions

18. Adobe Illustrator

Most mobile application UI design is made by using Adobe Illustrator. It provides many powerful features to ease your work as a vector-based graphics editor. Its support for both raster and vector images allows you to create everything from pixel-perfect icons, to fully scalable artwork, to full-page layouts that can be resized without losing quality—all without worrying about degrading photos or clunky font rendering. On top of all that, it has a ton of plugins available.


  • It provides a helpful user interface.
  • It allows for in-panel editing.
  • It is completely scalable.
  • It creates files in manageable sizes.
  • It works on almost any computer system.
  • It creates print graphics and web graphics.
  • It offers a steep learning curve.
  • It requires patience.


  • It offers a steep learning curve
  • It requires patience
  • It has pricing limitations on the Teams edition
  • It offers limited support for raster graphics
  • It requires a lot of space
  • It feels a lot like Photoshop

19. Sketch

App developers are switching to Sketch, a Mac OS X application designed for designing user interfaces and creating icons. Sketch has grown into one of the most popular digital design tools on iOS and Android. The sketch is incredibly fast and easy to use, with natural drawing tools that make it perfect for interface design. It’s even worth considering if you’re not designing apps specifically—Sketch is great for Web designs as well as print layouts like flyers, posters or brochures.

20. Adobe XD

Formerly known as Adobe Flash Professional, Adobe XD is a code-free tool that lets you create interactive prototypes and designs. More than just a screen design software, it allows users to create, share and test multi-device layouts. Also has team collaboration capabilities.


  • Repeating objects does not work as it should
  • Prototyping through an exceptional feature but also has a downside of it. …
  • No way to design customised shapes
  • No way to get the CSS


  • Repeating objects does not work as it should
  • Prototyping through an exceptional feature but also has a downside of it. …
  • No way to design customised shapes
  • No way to get the CSS.

Final Words

This is the final part of a series of blog posts that we have been doing to explore the best mobile app development technologies of the future. The first blog posts covered the top 10 best mobile app development technologies, and this blog post looks into the top 20. Remember that these are predictions – what is here today may not be here tomorrow, but these are exciting technologies to watch as they will undoubtedly be in use in the near future. In this blog post, we look at the potential of machine learning becoming an important part of mobile app development, blockchain, and more. If you want to read the first blog post of the series, it is Title: Top 10 Best Mobile App Development Technologies in 2022


  • Bilal Akbar

    I am Bilal Akbar, the founder of TechTaalk. I am an expert web designer, graphic designer, SEO, and professional blogger. My specialty is WordPress, and I have spent the past few years in website development, blogging, search engine optimization, and digital marketing.
    I am passionate about helping people learn about technology and how to use it to their advantage. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to use technology to improve their lives, and I am committed to providing that opportunity through TechTaalk.

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