Top 10 Upcoming WhatsApp Features in 2022

Today we will discuss upcoming WhatsApp features in 2022. This year, WhatsApp is working on many new features, but it’s unclear which will be released first. We are discussing top-level features of WhatsApp today, which are considered to be the most in-demand. Some of these features will be available for both iOS and Android devices, but others will only be offered on iOS devices.

List of Upcoming WhatsApp Features in 2022

  1. Screenshto Detection
  2. Profile Pic Notification on iOS
  3. New Forward Menu
  4. WhatsApp Payment
  5. Message Deletion
  6. WhatsApp Community
  7. Log in & Log Out
  8. Pause Video Recording
  9. Pause Audio Recording
  10. Instagram Reels

1. Screenshot Detection

WhatsApp is working on introducing this feature to their app, which is already available in Snapchat.

WhatsApp users can receive a notification when someone takes a screenshot of their chat. As an example, if I am chatting with you on WhatsApp and I take a screenshot of that message, you’ll be notified about it. This will work the same way as the delete message notification. It will state “this message has been deleted” and the screenshot detection notification will state “a screenshot was taken”.

It will work on mobile devices, but what if someone takes a picture of the chat using another device? The ability to take screenshots of WhatsApp web is not yet confirmed. More information will be revealed once the upcoming features are available.

List of Upcoming WhatsApp Features in 2022
Image: gadgetstouse

2. Profile Pic Notification on iOS

Do you own an iOS device? Then you’re already familiar with this feature. The lock screen notification on iPhones and iPads currently shows both the first name and the last name of the person who sent a WhatsApp message. As an example, I am Bilal Akbar and I sent you a WhatsApp message. You can see the message was sent by Bilal Akbar or BA. You may have received a message from more than one person with the same message belonging to which person. can see the profile picture of the person who sent the message after this feature is implemented.

Whatsapp message on iPhone

3. New Forward Menu

Every day, we forward a lot of pictures and videos through WhatsApp, but there are no other options or better forwarding options. The upcoming “Forward Menu” feature will give users more options to forward pictures and videos such as sharing their images with others, their profile pictures, their statuses, and other options.

4. WhatsApp Payment

WhatsApp payment feature is the most awaited feature which is still under development.

The WhatsApp payments feature is only available in a few countries and on a few devices. In the following countries, you can send and receive money via WhatsApp to and from friends, family, and, in the future, businesses:

  • India
  • Brazil

You can send and receive money with Novi, a digital wallet that allows you to send and receive money from WhatsApp without ever leaving the app. You can use Novi on WhatsApp in the following countries:

  • United States

WhatsApp is working to introduce this feature globally as soon as possible. This payment gateway should be different from all the other payment gateways. Users should be able to send money to other wallets, banks, and buy things online. Rather than using Paypal, this payment method should replace all the other popular payment methods.

Image: Businessstandard

5. Message Deletion

There’s already a feature for deleting messages on WhatsApp after a specified time. Messages between two people or sent as part of a group can be deleted after a certain period of time. Currently, WhatsApp is working on improving this feature and providing us with a better experience with regard to the deletion of messages. You will also be able to delete messages from the past. There is no official information available yet but I hope this feature will bring more customization regarding message deletion.

Whatsapp message delete option
Image: techadvisor

6. WhatsApp Community

WhatsApp will become a social media platform with this feature. A WhatsApp community will function similarly to a Telegram group or other social media community. As a community, many groups can be controlled by a single administrator. Principals can create a school community, and then divide them by classes. In a school with 5 classes, the single admin “Principal” can set up 5 sub-groups for each class. The principal is a community administrator in this example, and class teachers can be group administrators or administrators for their classes.

Whatsapp community feature

7. Log in & Log Out

WhatsApp does not have a log-in or log-out feature right now. The only way to log out of WhatsApp once we have created an account is to delete the account. With this upcoming WhatsApp feature, users will be able to log out and log back in, just like other apps, like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Currently, the logout feature is unavailable because the data of WhatsApp chats were stored on the device, but due to recent upgrades and changes, the data is now being stored on the WhatsApp server. A previous feature of WhatsApp web without mobile connectivity was introduced and serves as proof of better servers.

Log in & Log Out WhatsApp Feature

8. Pause Video Recording

Currently, WhatsApp’s video recording feature works when you hold the recording button. When you release the button, the recording stops. With the upcoming feature, you will be able to pause the recording and then restart it from the same point.

9. Pause Audio Recording

As with the video pause feature, you can pause an audio recording and then replay it from the same point. My Android phone does not currently support this feature.

WhatsApp audio message
Image: 9to5mac

10. Instagram Reels

Technically, this should not be called a WhatsApp feature; instead, it should be called Meta’s feature. The feature was modeled after the TikTok Reels feature. In the future, Meta will allow you to post stories from any social media platform – Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, or WhatsApp – to Instagram as Instagram Reels. The main point of this feature is you can access all these platform stories can be accessed through WhatsApp.

Final Words

Here are the top 10 upcoming WhatsApp features in 2022. WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. The app was acquired by Facebook in 2014, and it has continued to grow as a messaging platform. WhatsApp is known for its end-to-end encryption and its ability to send text messages, photos, videos, and audio messages to other users.

The app also allows users to make phone calls to other users over the internet. The app has more than 1 billion active users on the platform. WhatsApp has become an essential part of our daily lives. With this in mind, we decided to create a blog post where we look at the top 10 upcoming WhatsApp features in 2022. These future features are what we think WhatsApp should add to the platform to make it even more powerful than it already is.


  • Bilal Akbar

    I am Bilal Akbar, the founder of TechTaalk. I am an expert web designer, graphic designer, SEO, and professional blogger. My specialty is WordPress, and I have spent the past few years in website development, blogging, search engine optimization, and digital marketing.
    I am passionate about helping people learn about technology and how to use it to their advantage. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to use technology to improve their lives, and I am committed to providing that opportunity through TechTaalk.

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