Samsung 2nm Process Chipset Roadmap Announced

Samsung 2nm process chipset announced to launch soon. TSMC and Samsung are in tough competition with each other, but both are willing to step up their game in order to grab all the world’s chipsets. Now, Samsung is desperately trying to advance before TSMC does because if they do manage to get ahead of the competition by coming up with a chipset that’s 2nm small, then they stand a chance of winning even more chipsets from the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

Samsung 2nm Process Chipset Roadmap

The Samsung 2nm process did not appear in the public roadmap, but according to an unnamed senior vice president of foundry marketing strategy at Samsung, they will reveal more information regarding their processor roadmap in the near future.

Samsung 2nm

This is the very first we’ve heard of TSMC and Samsung inching toward 2nm and in fact, Samsung and TSMC seem to be in a race to make their manufacturing processes smaller. Although we’re eager to see how it turns out, we do need to bear in mind that these plans could change if customer demand doesn’t align with the value propositions put forth by either manufacturer.

Samsung 2nm

Samsung has said that they expect to release their 2nm chipset by early 2025, which will be one year after TSMC’s. But Samsung boasts that their chipset will be more powerful, efficient and small enough to miniaturize electronic devices in the future. These improvements will have a huge impact on the market because these chips are not just for mobile phones – but also for Android tablets and laptops.


So, what do you think about this 2nm processor race between TSMC and Samsung? 2nm is going the change the future of the mobile phone industry forever. We are already looking forward to higher refresh rate smartphones and speed optimized mobile phones and electronic devices. The future is definitely great and outstanding regarding the smartphone industy.


  • Bilal Akbar

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