Xiaomi has just announced that it will be launching the Redmi G 2021 gaming laptop soon. The current models in the series include the Redmi G 2050X. Weibo seems to have revealed some new news which says that all laptop variants in this upcoming version of Redmi laptops will be fitted with 16.1-inch super-smooth 144Hz gaming displays. The specifications for RAM and hard drive storage are not known but they said that there would be multiple configurations available for customers to choose from.
Redmi G 2021 Gaming Laptop Display
Now as for the display, well, it’s pretty much exactly like the display on last year’s phone. While perhaps disappointing if you were expecting a new and improved 1080p display, at least there has been no mention yet of an increase in the peak brightness (which could mean that it won’t be upgraded).
Redmi G 2021 Gaming Laptop Spefications
Previously, Xiaomi teased that all Redmi G 2021 gaming laptops will be coming with an ‘independent display direct connection’. Furthermore, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H mobile processor is paired with the NVIDIA RTX 3060 processor. Xiaomi is claiming that Redmi G 2021 with RTX 3060 can achieve maximum power consumption of 130W. Undoubtedly, RTX GPU also means that it will be supporting ray tracing for improved visuals in supported games.
A new cooling system dubbed “Hurricane Cooling 3.0” is to be implemented which contains two 12V fans of large size, five copper heat pipes of all sorts, and four air outlet configurations.
Redmi G 2021 Gaming Laptop GPU
It is expected that the laptop will be priced higher than its previous generation that was released in August 2020. This is implied as it being a ‘high-end product’ that aims to offer ‘invincible’ performance according to Xiaomi.
Final Words
Xiaomi is going to launch a Redmi G laptop soon which will be a gaming-centric laptop. The Redmi G 2021 laptop will sport a 16.1-inch display that will come with a 144Hz refresh rate. If you are a gamer, then this information will definitely excite you as the refresh rate is higher than most gaming laptops. If you are a gamer and looking for a gaming laptop, then this Redmi G 2021 laptop from Xiaomi will definitely give you a run for your money.
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