How to Build Successful Remote Teams and Startups

What is a remote team? It is a group of individuals working from different locations as well as varying time zones. Leading remote teams demands dedication, strong communication, and a sense of responsibility. 

The world is constantly changing due to technological advances and the economic situation. In such circumstances, it is only natural for startups to improvise and strategize according to current conditions. 

Hiring remote teams for startups also provides a number of financial advantages, including cost savings on things like power, office space, food, drinks, office supplies, internet access, and equipment. Another significant advantage would be the cost savings connected with traditional employment techniques.

If team productivity and performance are maximized, project progress automatically improves. Hence, all these factors are directly related to each other. In this article, we shall discuss best practices when it comes to retaining successful remote teams. 

Keep on Updating Communication Methods

Mundane schedules should be avoided at any cost. Staying connected is an integral part of leading a remote team. Sharing updates daily plays a major role in excellent team coordination. 

Remote collaboration tools such as Notion and Asana set the right kind of environment for members to grow. Taking care of a startup is a job that requires resilience and patience. An effort should be made in teaching the employees how to take advantage of these online platforms.

Some of the best tools for remote teams include Hubstaff. It is used to manage work progress without extra hassle. Workers may be from a multitude of geographical locations around the world.

Communication is key to getting instructions across. Moreover, it is about experimenting with numerous channels as the internet continues to evolve.

Promote a Healthy Company Culture

Managing virtual teams might not be as easy as it sounds. Team members should be able to feel comfortable with each other. The challenge here is the lack of one-on-one interaction. The person in charge might wonder, “How to unify a remote team?” One must not restrict themselves to a single technique.

It is good to mix things up once in a while. The term water cooler culture can be applied among remote workers. It encourages discussion and conversions between the employees. Therefore, working with a remote manager becomes easier for team members.

Initiatives and informal talks can prove to be beneficial as well. Sharing of ideas leads to collective learning and a progressive approach to projects. Stay in touch with each individual. They should feel that they’ve been heard. 

This does not mean taking them off track. It is using the appropriate kind of tools for distributed teams so that productivity remains undisturbed. 

For instance, a remote developer’s routine can become monotonous. Activities such as live video conferences, appreciation gifts and healthy competition can contribute positively. Hence, project outcomes can improve.

Mentorship Always Helps

An employee must have a certain direction when it comes to deliverables. This is provided by a mentor. Especially for new workers in a startup, having someone to guide them can help to a great extent. 

A mentor can use their remote leadership skills in assisting a newcomer. This can lead an employee to discover their full potential. This is because they are already well-versed with the company’s policies, work ethics, strengths, and weaknesses. 

As time passes, an individual becomes more independent. In addition, it can develop their emotional intelligence in virtual teams. Moreover, it can prove to be a learning experience for that particular person. In some cases, they can take their skills to the next level. 

For example, in the case of a tech company, a mentor can give useful advice related to coding and keeping programs free of errors. In addition, they can put their efforts into supervising remote employees. 

However, at the same time, a balance must be maintained. It does not mean that employees must be spoon-fed or misguided. The idea is to work on their talent so they can utilize it in favor of the startup.

Result-Oriented Work Approach

One of the biggest disadvantages of remote working is that people tend to lose focus. The main goal should be to achieve the best possible outcome. This can only be done when there is a check on work progress.

Weekly reports can keep the team leader updated about the outcomes of projects. Moreover, it is better to define milestones every week. The team leader should be well-aware of what the members are working on. Plus, finishing tasks according to a specific timeline is a necessity. This especially goes for assessing employee performance. 

Final Words

Remote leadership and supervising remote employees are not to be taken lightly. Many people consider working from home or freelancing an easier alternative to working at an office. While it is true that remote work has its pros, consistency is essential. 

When it comes to managing remote project teams, staying in sync with each other makes all the difference. On some occasions, remote workers should be given the freedom to make certain decisions. 

After all, a startup is similar to a community. Hence, the atmosphere should encourage originality, hard work, and resourcefulness.


  • Bilal Akbar

    I am Bilal Akbar, the founder of TechTaalk. I am an expert web designer, graphic designer, SEO, and professional blogger. My specialty is WordPress, and I have spent the past few years in website development, blogging, search engine optimization, and digital marketing.
    I am passionate about helping people learn about technology and how to use it to their advantage. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to use technology to improve their lives, and I am committed to providing that opportunity through TechTaalk.

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