How IWMS Can Help You Manage Your Workplace Better?

Organizations have multiple assets under them, which requires exceptional management and such management is only possible through the installation of multiple software. It is at this juncture the use of the Integrated Workplace Management System or IWMS comes into place. 

IWMS helps facilities management and real estate management professionals to maximize the utilization of the space and resources in the most effective way. It configures many software applications under one roof. It also eradicates the requirement of multiple manifolds. It improves the structuring of the business systems and centralizes work which can result in the optimal use of resources and time. Using IWMS will also help businesses stand up front with the latest technologies and upliftments. IWMS encompasses the main components of a business organization like real estate management, space management, maintenance management, sustainability of the environment, and capital project management. 

Equipping workplace management is a new influential global phenomenon. A well-managed workplace can help increase the productivity of employees and also help in bringing about better efficiency and a systematic work environment. 

Let us look in detail at how introducing IWMS into the business ecosystem will enhance the work process.

  • Helps to manage the real estate portfolio: Real estate is one of the most expensive areas in an organizational setup, optimizing real estate effectively will bring better returns to the company. IWMS will help to synchronize the functioning from acquisition to the disposal of the assets. It also helps streamline lease renewals, manage overpayments and reduce costs through automated processes. IWMS also adapts to the new financial requirements of the company.
  • Streamlines capital projects: IWMS helps choose projects that bring better outcomes from project and program management. Automated processes, help in integrating and accelerating project functioning. IWMS helps in analyzing funds and prioritizing funds accordingly. It also helps in project analysis which initiates progress in working on the project and leads to better decision-making for managers. IWMS also aids in proper project scheduling that helps in controlling costs, time, and scope of the project.
  • Improving space utilization: Every organization needs to find a balance in the usage of space. IWMS aids in evaluating the space for the workforce and using it effectively at par with business requirements and needs. IWMS also helps the business to have definitive control over people, resources, and assets by tracking and routing the work dynamically. IWMS also supports shared workspaces and assets through dynamic processes and eliminates conflicts.
  • Helps in reducing operational costs: Facilitating management in a well-constructed timeline can help to improve efficiency and to address unexpected events. IWMS helps in automating service management requests which will reduce frequent delays. Formulation of regular maintenance schedules through IWMS which will provide preventive maintenance. Incurring of unplanned downtime is minimized through IWMS schedules. Forecasting issues before they happen can help in planning the maintenance schedules beforehand. 
  • For creating an engaging workspace: IWMS creates a workspace that reduces employee turnover and employee absenteeism. The tools and insights provided by IWMS will help in enhancing the workspace. IWMS ensures the right-sizing space of every element in an organization from conference rooms to cafeterias. Adapting to highly advanced technologies will ensure that workers or employees simplify common tasks. IWMS helps in the curation of customizable apps with a responsive design which elevates the employee experience and indirectly the user’s experience as well. 

IWMS helps in integrating and elevating the work environment through optimizing costs at three different levels:

1. Strategic Level

IWMS helps in aligning medium and long-term company strategies. IWMS helps anticipate future requirements of the company and helps the company attain them with ease. The objectives include expansion of the market, growth in the existing ones, company mergers, workforce, etc.

2. Tactical Level

At the tactical level, IWMS helps organizations to implement strategies that will ensure complete monitoring of activities and performance and implement improvement if any. Each process will encompass the activities of an organization and coordinate them to enhance the company’s evolution.

3. Operational Level

The operational excellence of a business organization is what makes it unique. Employees should be able to find adequate space and attention while they are working. IWMS helps in the smart allocation of resources and helps use the spaces provided resourcefully. 

Inducing IWMS into the business system ensures that there is effective workplace management. Such integration will help in keeping up with a good working environment and cost-effective work system.


  • Bilal Akbar

    I am Bilal Akbar, the founder of TechTaalk. I am an expert web designer, graphic designer, SEO, and professional blogger. My specialty is WordPress, and I have spent the past few years in website development, blogging, search engine optimization, and digital marketing.
    I am passionate about helping people learn about technology and how to use it to their advantage. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to use technology to improve their lives, and I am committed to providing that opportunity through TechTaalk.

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