WhatsApp account reporting feature is going to be more private than earlier. Facebook, the parent company behind WhatsApp, took a lot of heat this past year from users who questioned the security of its encrypted messaging system after it was reported that an employee could see your chat history when you complained about a user. It looks like Facebook has listened to its audience’s complaints and is planning a change for the better. As a reminder, there were rumors going around recently that Facebook was working on a feature to enable users to passcode protect their private images and videos within Messenger – which also serves as WhatsApp’s main platform.
Anyone using WhatsApp needs to know that if you report a user or a group and the moderators review your recent conversations, they will know all of your interactions with this reported user and/or group. This is what is currently happening. The company is trying to make things easier by creating a new and concise form for reporting violations which will help minimize such privacy issues.
WhatsApp Message Reporting Feature
WABetaInfo reports that is now possible to report individual messages in WhatsApp that pertain to certain accounts, but you can do so in order to report anything that’s looking suspicious. You can either report a single message or several ones – whether they are from groups or business accounts. Previously, when you reported someone on WhatsApp, the only action you could take was deleting an entire chat with them.

Now you can report spammers and other accounts without them finding out! The new WhatsApp feature sets the stage for adding private chats and eventually making it possible to message groups privately. Check out our article to find out more information about the ProRepublica report of WhatsApp read our messages.
Reported messages on WhatsApp can be blocked, allowing the message’s sender to move onto another target. Recently, more privacy features have been added to WhatsApp, making it harder for users to track each other down.
WhatsApp Account Reporting Feature
WhatsApp recently made changes to its privacy policy that left many users worried. The information found within WhatsApp’s privacy policy was controversial and left a lot of users wondering what the future held for their private conversations. Although WhatsApp has been praised for being extremely user-friendly, there are now a number of alternatives available if you would rather use something else that is more secure.
Final Words
WhatsApp has announced that they are making a new change to their WhatsApp account reporting feature. Users will now have to add a phone number to their account in order to report a WhatsApp account. This will make it harder for spammers and hackers to abuse the reporting feature of WhatsApp.
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